- Reimbursement or up-front payment plan? Get information from your financial advisor from whom you are getting super visa insurance from whether the plan you are purchasing is a reimbursed plan. Reimbursement plan requires you will have to pay from your pockets first and then submit your claim to the insurance company. For example the insurer meets with an accident and has to be rushed to the hospital. On reaching the hospital you find out you will have to dig out your wallet for your credit card payment to pay the hospital bills and then submit a claim to the insurance company. The mistake while purchasing the plan is that you assumed would take care of the financial hit up front!
- Call the hotline if you are hurt or sick: Insurers today insist that you call the 24 hour emergency assistance toll free hot line that they have provided you, usually on a wallet card. The managed care process starts the moment the hot line is called. The medical professionals answering the hotline will speak with the attending physicians to determine the best and appropriate care while mitigating instances of misuse and duplication of medical services. The mistake? Not calling the hotline and being responsible for up to 30% of the bill as per the policies agreement.
- Covered on your credit card? Most credit card companies have replaced ’emergency medical travel insurance ‘with ‘Travel Accident Insurance’. This is a much different product and does not offer full protection you need when travelling. Travel medical insurance covers hospital, emergency, prescription drugs and other expenses. The mistake? Relying on your credit card for travel health insurance.
- Non- disclosure of facts: The applicants must reveal the truth -full medical disclosure and get responsible for the coverage. Mistake is not revealing the truth and buying a cheaper policy.
- Trust your Insurance Professional: Your insurance agent or your financial advisor whatever you call are there to assist you with the purchase. They have everything in writing to assist you in the event of a claim. Your insurance agent can act as an advocate in times of claim. Do not commit the mistake of buying the wrong plan based on an ill-advised recommendation.
Punjab insurance has been serving our fellow Canadians since 2006. We understand that insurance is about more than just price. That’s why we offer our clients insurance solutions tailored to meet their individual requirements.